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Real Freedom is Not Caring About The Opinions of Others!
We have all done it at one time or another, have we not? Put other people’s opinions of us, our choices, our passions, our creations before our own feelings? It’s the worst because once we do that, we have handed our Power over to someone who cannot know our decisions or choices, simply because it has taken us a lifetime of living to arrive at them. And yet, it is a mistake that many of us continue to make.
You Didn’t Come Here To Play It Safe Creator…
Forget about playing it safe Creator, that’s a setting for mere mortals. We are here on the leading-edge of thought in the whole darn Universe and are wired to stray off course (because there really isn’t an off course for us Gods, it’s called curiosity), to have adventures, to create new vistas and stretch beyond what we now Know…
The Law of Attraction In Action!
So you’ve heard about The Law of Attraction (LOA), but have you actually put it to work for you? The Law of Attraction sounds great in theory, but when LOA is wielded by someone who knows what he/she is doing? Well, that’s a success story worth talking about.
Creator, Are You Still Wondering, "Where's My Stuff?"
Hey Creator, do any of these questions resonate with you:
Tired of being humble when it comes to money?
Have you heard those Abraham Videos on allowing the money to flow and still wondering where yours is?
Do you know all of Abraham’s techniques and strategies and have yet to use them fully to your advantage?
Well you’re not alone! But fret not because I have been teaching a Course based on The Law of Attraction and how to use it to your advantage, and the results have been outta-site!
Creator, did you know that when you celebrate another’s success, you are also celebrating and accelerating your own?
That's right. When you can seamlessly shout "Atta Boy," or "Atta Girl," without even a hint of resistance, then you are literally congratulating yourself, buoying yourself, taking yourself to new heights, and Allowing Like A Boss!