Success Stories
“Thank you Constance from the bottom of my heart for these amazing 21 days! I feel more equipped, I had fun, I love my new morning routine. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t wait for more fun, more joy, and more unfolding and finding more of who I really am!”
— Zsuzsanna Sélley-Hock, Student
“Thank you Constance for the gift of you and for learning about me. I feel calm and at ease and love having a morning routine as well as a brain reset on how to see things differently and positively. I am looking forward to continuing the morning routines that I have started with your Course! Many thanks.”
-Ann Frasse Stowe, Student
“Wow! I woke up this morning exhausted and with a headache. The audio, meditation and journaling turned it all around! I find myself flying high and feeling grand! This journey has started off amazingly!”
-Catherine Feleky, Student
“Constance, I’m having a hard time imagining doing life without you. I have LOVED listening to you each day so much. I love your personality, your teaching, and all your coaching. The meditations are extremely relaxing to me. Can’t wait for the next Course. Thank you so much!”
— Janine Stech Gauvin, Student
“I had no idea I would get this much out of a 21-Day course. I was able to jump-start a life's dream I had been putting off for 30 years. I know 21 days can change a habit. In my case, it changed my life.”
- E. T., Student
“Thank you Constance for once again creating a fantastic Course filled with so much to work on and think about! Loved every bit of it!”
- Bridget Nicholls, Student
“Hey Constance, I start my day with you sitting on a rock by the sea. I have loved the scrumptious, delicious banquet of delights you have served. I am excited that you will extend this delectable way to co-create. I am increasing my awareness and alignment time often. I love the Abraham stories and your passion for playing with words, ideas and the inspiration you share. Muchas Gracias Bonita. Love from Australia.”
- Helen Jay, Student
“The material in these Courses has shaken my tree and brought me back to life. I really love being able to go back and not just lose them once the Course is over. March on Creator! You are awesome!”
- Debbie Hansen, Student
“I just completed Constance's Course and it was AMAZING!!!!!! I've been listening to Abraham-Hicks for years and love the teachings. Constance taught me HOW to utilize the information in real life and fine tune my skills. THANK YOU AGAIN Constance!!! Can't wait for the next one.”
- Vivian Seville, Student
“I LOVE you and your personality so much! Since taking 2 of your Courses, I am noticing a huge difference in myself and my life. Thank you for your enthusiasm, your teaching and your commitment to this work - I am so grateful.”
-E. Strong, Student
“I love this Course. I was not able to keep completely on track with all the days, and I am still seeing lots of changes for the better in my life. My husband is communicating more with me. My dogs are more well-behaved and seem happier. My job stress is reduced. It’s amazing. And my relationship with my body has improved and now I’m sleeping better. It’s awesome!!”
-Dawny K. , Student
“I am loving every second! I am so in sync with what you are saying. My life is clicking into place in a new way! Your meditations and commentary are spot on and I LOVED how you walked us through a day from start to finish. When you said you were doing another Challenge - my soul screamed YES!!! Where do I sign up!!??!!!”
-Rebecca Randolph, Student
“Awesome class… I learned so much about me. I learned how to relax and let life flow. I learned not to judge people or try to understand their motive. I used to try to people please even if they wronged me. Now I am in observation and I allow the universe to do it’s work. I am at so much peace right now. Even if I am in the midst of a storm, I am still able to find joy and continue to enjoy the moment I am in. I am so happy you offered this Course, it helped a lot. Thank you and much love to you and your purpose.”
-Trina Waters, Student
“I loved the 21-Day Course you offered. The daily practice segments were short enough for me to commit the time required and your insights were really helpful. Thank you.”
— Louise Campbell, Student
“Thank you!! I manifested a new place to live following the ideas you shared, really amazing!!”
— P. Fernández, Student
“I want to thank you Constance for creating this 21-Day Course. In the last few years, even though I follow Abraham-Hicks, my daily practice has gone to the wayside. You, my friend, have lit me up by reminding me just how powerful I am! Co-creating at its best!"
— Student, Self-Empowerment & Success Course
“I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the world lately and let my peace subside as I was trying to figure it all out. As I sat in my room with my candles lit, I felt such a connection as you guided me in meditation. I felt like I belonged again, like I had been lost and was finding my way back. I felt good. I felt my source. Loved this! Thank you Constance."
— Student, Self-Empowerment & Success Course