“Your life is a reflection of what you believe you deserve, change your beliefs and you change your life!”
Constance Todd Smith
Constance Todd Smith - Alignment Coach
No matter how much overall success you may have achieved, many of us still have areas in our lives where we can feel stuck (money, relationships, job, health…) and could use some help. That stuckness or inability to move forward is caused by Limiting Beliefs and Negative Self-talk.
The good news is that changing those beliefs is not hard to do, simply because a belief is only a thought you have been thinking for so long that you take it as truth. In other words, it’s just a bad habit you need to kick and replace with a good one.
My Courses have been specifically designed to do just that! By using mindfullness techniques, guided meditations and journaling exercises you will uncover the negative beliefs that are stalling your progress and replace them with bright, shiny new ones that will support you in your goals and desires.
All culminating in your becoming the most vibrant, focused and successful version of yourself. The Unstuck and Unstoppable You!
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Benefits of Taking My Courses
As your Coach - I will guide, inspire and hold you accountable throughout the process so that you can experience real and tangible results.
As your Teacher - I will introduce you to the techniques, strategies and positive habits that will release your mind from limiting belief systems and thoughts (I won’t ever make the money I want to make; I don’t have enough experience; I’m too old, too young; Good things don’t happen to me…) and unleash the power of your mind, focus and intuition.
A Power Packed Triptych designed to position you for success by establishing the highest possible vibrational setting (joy, inspiration, appreciation, anticipation, empowerment) from which to launch into your day. Beginning with:
Your Morning Motivation -
First thing in the morning (before your mind starts with your to-do list) you and I will spend 45 minutes together, starting with a 15 minute pre-amble based on The Course you are taking.
This quality time is dedicated to coaching you into alignment with your desires, intuition and purpose as I encourage, support and remind you of who you truly are - A Powerful Creator in charge of your life and destiny. As well as setting a firm foundation from which you can go forth with mindfullness and a positive attitude into your day.
A Guided Meditation - I take you through a guided meditation designed to quiet your mind, raise your vibration and put you in touch with the innermost part of you; your well-spring of clarity, inspiration and guidance, resulting in you being refreshed, renewed and invigorated for the day ahead.
Journaling Exercises - I offer you journaling topics specific to The Course you are taking, that will aid you in targeting and uncovering those pesky limiting beliefs and negative mindset that are holding you back, so that you can upgrade them to beliefs that serve your purpose and dreams.
In addition, the exercises that I suggest are specifically crafted to aid you in delving beneath the surface of your personality and into the breadth and depth of who you truly are, thereby revealing guidance, inspiration and wisdom from the broader part of you.
I will also be sharing techniques and strategies that will put you at ease with the art of effective journaling, and make the process flow more easily for you.
First thing in the morning (before your mind starts with your to-do list) you and I will spend 45 minutes together, starting with a 15 minute pre-amble of anecdotes as well as stories and observations based on The Course you are taking.
This time is dedicated to me coaching you into alignment with your desires, intuition and purpose as I encourage, support and remind you of who you truly are - A Powerful Creator in charge of your life and destiny. As well as setting a firm foundation from which you can go forth with mindfullness and a positive attitude into your day.
Pick a Course and Let The Change Begin…

All money donated will be put towards research and development for the expansion of this leading-edge platform and learning environment and is very much appreciated!
As the days, weeks, months and years of my sobriety have clicked by, I have found that some days I might awaken scared, or anxious, or with my mind racing. It happens to everyone, but for us sober folks we cannot afford to indulge those negative feelings, rather we must find ways to cope in the midst of the ick by using positive strategies so as not to be triggered and default to our bad old habits of drinking and drugging.