Real Freedom is Not Caring About The Opinions of Others!
We have all done it at one time or another, have we not? Put other people’s opinions of us, our choices, our passions, our creations before our own feelings? It’s the worst because once we do that, we have handed our Power over to someone who cannot know our decisions or choices, simply because it has taken us a lifetime of living to arrive at them. And yet, it is a mistake that many of us continue to make.
So why not make today the first day of many Creator where you chart your own Course? Where you map out your own journey? Where you make choices based on what works for you and leave everyone else out of the equation? Because once you become a Master of Deliberate Creation and your own life experience, you will find that you don’t need, want or care what anyone has to say about you. It really is the most liberating feeling in the world.
I did it with this website. First, I showed it to NO ONE before going live. NO ONE! Why? Because we (my co-creator Jason and I) were creating and designing something totally new. Totally fun. Totally different and fresh from every other ‘Coaching’ site that we had perused during the process. And honestly, I really didn’t care what anyone thought while we were creating. Why? Because we were Creating, which meant, liking some stuff for a few days and then finding something else that we liked more to put in its place.
Creation is a non-stop process of upgrading and tweaking, at least in my and Jason’s case. And showing your creation off, talking about it too much, etc. before it’s done and is now a 3-D thing that people can see, only serves to slow down the process. Simply because everyone has an opinion and they believe they are right. And they are right, for them, not necessarily for you. And then if they pooh-pooh your effort or choices and you take their words to heart, you can get waylaid, or start second guessing yourself, etc.
And so then the question becomes, “Well if I don’t ask someone what they think, how will I know it’s any good?” And this is when I get on my soapbox and start telling you why the practice of meditation will solve this issue for you. You see when you become consistently aligned with the broader part of you, the source of your intuition and guidance, the fount of your genius, you won’t need to hear what anyone else thinks BECAUSE YOU WILL KNOW! You will feel it in your solar plexus, in your emotions.
We all know when something feels off, but it’s the practice of meditation that affords you the opportunity to master the subtle nudging and coaxing from non-physical that many of us are looking to master. To be able to answer that question, “Is it me reacting or is this really the right course for me to take? The right decision for me to make?”
This is one of THE greatest benefits of meditating, because you can stand firm in your knowing. You can look out into the world and feel so darn Aligned, so darn sure, so darn on it, that no one will be able to dissuade you from your pursuits. But, don’t take my word for it, try it yourself and see. Meditate upon awakening every day for one week, only 15 minutes is necessary - and see if you don’t feel clearer, more self-assured and less reactive. Meditation is truly the gift that keeps on giving and it builds on itself, using the law of attraction as a driver for your positive momentum.
And if you are interested in having someone assist you in creating a consistent meditation practice, perhaps I can help. Check out my website: Constance Alignment for my plethora of offerings, one of which is that I add a guided meditation practice to all of my Courses. Because it is my most ardent desire that through my Courses, you will become so yoked, so aligned with your knowing, the broader part of you, Source, your intuition and guidance, that there will be no stopping you and whatever dreams you are pursuing. Simply because you will be following your Inner Guidance and not trying to conform to what other’s think you should be doing.
My sales job is done, and now I can go back to tweaking my website, because the job of an Aligned Creator is never done, as there is always something more to reach for, to upgrade, to have fun with. Until next time Creator…