There are those days, those ‘bad’ patches where it feels like life is a struggle, but as with all things, this too shall pass. And we, WE who understand The Law of Attraction and how to use LOA to our advantage through the power of our Focus and our Emotional Guidance Systems, have such a leg up on the rest of humanity, as we have the tools to turn things around. To get thorough the contrast faster. And to use that contrast as fuel for Deliberately Creating the life that we want and truly deserve.
So to those of you who are feeling a bit sideways, just remember to breathe, be kind to yourself, find anything that feels good and focus on that (ideally for 68 seconds) and prepare to come out the other side with more knowing than when you went in. And the bounce after the storm, well, we certainly know how good that feels.
And then, when the storm has passed, we will meet on the sunny side of the street you and I, and breathe in that fresh air of freedom, growth and joy as only Masterful Creators do. Sending big love your way Creator. You’ve got this…♥️😎~*