Greetings, my name is Constance Todd Smith, Constance to my friends, which I am hoping we might become. This About Page is something I created with the expressed purpose of helping you to decide if we could work together to get you Aligned, Unstuck and Unstoppable. So read on and let’s see what comes of it…
My Professional C.V. would say that I am an Alignment Coach, Entrepreneur, Writer, Yoga Teacher and Inspirational Speaker.
My Personal C.V. would say that I am a mother, a friend, a sailor, an adventurer and a kick-ass sober woman in recovery for the past 38 years.
What it all comes down to is that I am just like you, a human being on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride of Life. And what I have come to know is that you can’t stop bad things from happening: getting fired, people dying, being dumped by a lover, narcissistic bosses, pandemics, addictions, you name it. It’s the party-pack-of-crazy that comes with being human on the planet at this time.
But what you can do to counteract the crazy is to live your best life no matter what is happening around you, and that’s where I come in. I’m a Hybrid of sorts - a rockin’ combination of a successful businesswoman and a spiritual/esoteric junkie.
Throughout my life I have been a seeker - hunting, gathering and amassing powerful, leading-edge information in the fields of personal transformation, psychology, spirituality and esotericism, sourced from a variety of teachers, philosophies and ancient wisdom.
This quest for fine-tuning and upgrading the quality of my life was initially for my pleasure alone, although soon I discovered that the people with whom I shared my methods (of creating alignment with their desires) were also experiencing life changing upgrades. And so my Courses and eventually this site were born.
My winning formula is simple and outrageously effective; I have combined the mainstream skills that I cultivated in business: determination, consistency, focus and follow-through with the powerful, spiritual practices that I teach as a yoga teacher: mindfulness, meditation and journaling (tapping into your intuition, inner wisdom and guidance).
If you are reading this, then you must be desiring some change in your life and so I want you to know that I pour my heart, soul, mind and inspiration into every Course I create and teach. It is one of my most ardent passions to share my strategies of success with those who are ready to hear them and put them to use to upgrade the quality of their lives. In other words, to get off the hamster wheel of ‘trying’ and move into your fast lane of Doing, Accomplishing, Self-Empowerment and Success!
So what do you say? Are you ready to fully participate in your own life and make yourself and your dreams a priority? Are you ready to change up those tired old beliefs and replace them with shiny new ones that support your purpose and inspire you to more? Are you ready to become Aligned, Unstuck and Unstoppable?
Great, then let’s get the party started!
P.S. - If you happen to be visiting Boston or live nearby, I am currently teaching Yoga at Soul City Yoga at their Malden, MA location (it’s on the Orange T-line and there’s plenty of on street parking) and would love the opportunity to meet you and guide you in a yoga practice. Namaste Creator…
“If my approach to upgrading your life doesn’t resonate with you, please don’t stop looking! You found your way here which means you’re one step closer to finding the coach, mentor, or program that will fit into your life perfectly. I for one am rooting for you and your imminent success! You’ve got this...”
“Hey Constance, I start my day with you sitting on a rock by the sea. I have loved the scrumptious, delicious banquet of delights you have served. I am excited that you will extend this delectable way to co-create. I am increasing my awareness and alignment time often. I love the Abraham stories and your passion for playing with words, ideas and the inspiration you share. Muchas Gracias Bonita. Love from Australia.”
- Helen Jay, Student
“I had no idea I would get this much out of a 21-Day course. I was able to jump-start a life's dream I had been putting off for 30 years. I know 21 days can change a habit. In my case, it changed my life.”
- E. T., Student
“Thank you Constance for once again creating a fantastic Course filled with so much to work on and think about! Loved every bit of it!”
- Bridget Nicholls, Student
As the days, weeks, months and years of my sobriety have clicked by, I have found that some days I might awaken scared, or anxious, or with my mind racing. It happens to everyone, but for us sober folks we cannot afford to indulge those negative feelings, rather we must find ways to cope in the midst of the ick by using positive strategies so as not to be triggered and default to our bad old habits of drinking and drugging.