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Real Freedom is Not Caring About The Opinions of Others!
We have all done it at one time or another, have we not? Put other people’s opinions of us, our choices, our passions, our creations before our own feelings? It’s the worst because once we do that, we have handed our Power over to someone who cannot know our decisions or choices, simply because it has taken us a lifetime of living to arrive at them. And yet, it is a mistake that many of us continue to make.
A Little Work Each Day Adds Up To Big Results!
Now hear this Creator! Rome was not built nor torn asunder in one day. All things take time, especially the good stuff, but you HAVE TO CONSCIOUSLY and Consistently PARTICIPATE IN YOUR OWN LIFE if you want to manifest anything worth merit.
Here’s my daily “work” to that end which is actually delightful to do, gives me more uninterrupted time in the Vortex, lessens resistance & upgrades my Vibe.
Meditation - Your Key to Consistent Alignment
Top of the morning Creator, or perhaps for you today, it’s the bottom of the morning. That’s the thing isn’t it? The vicissitudes of life present as a ride: sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes a steady course. And so what’s a valiant, determined Creator to do?
The Law of Attraction In Action!
So you’ve heard about The Law of Attraction (LOA), but have you actually put it to work for you? The Law of Attraction sounds great in theory, but when LOA is wielded by someone who knows what he/she is doing? Well, that’s a success story worth talking about.
Alignment, Don’t Leave Home Without It…
In The State of Grace known as Alignment, we move into a quantum realm of beingness, breaking through the fog of disconnection and into the light of truth that supports All That Is, All That Ever Was, and All That Will Ever Become.
It Might Look Like I’m Not Doing Anything, But On A Cellular Level, I’m Quite Busy…
Creator, I must share my delight at this being the 3rd morning in a row where I have awakened with a blissfully quiet mind. And not only that, it remains that way for longer and longer periods of time into my day! I equate waking up shrouded in this pervasive sense of Well-Being, to the Loving Work I've been engaged in.