The Law of Attraction In Action!

Law of Attraction Quote by Constance Todd Smith

Creator - so I’m thinking you've heard about The Law of Attraction, but have you actually put it to work for you? The Law of Attraction sounds great in theory, but when it’s wielded by someone who knows how to regulate his/her thoughts, emotions and frequency, well then that’s when the results are outta site!

When you learn how to be consistent in your focus, so that you are thinking and commenting more positively than negatively, you’re going to see that every area of your life improves. And the cool part is that it doesn’t just improve the parts of your life that aren’t going so well, it upgrades all segments of your life! In other words, a rising tide of frequency and vibration raises all boats, not just a select few.

It’s just how The Law of Attraction works, it’s not selective, it’s all inclusive.

Just remember, your success in life is all, only and forever up to you and your frequency.

Tally Ho, Creator…

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