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How To Align With Your Big Dreams…
“How do I realize a dream that is so big and so important to me that sometimes it feels like it will never come true?”
Oh Creator, have you forgotten how powerful you are? That it’s your dream and it’s state of becoming or not, is firmly in your control?
So, what are you waiting for? You don’t need permission to plunge deep into it and allow it to whisper sweet everythings in your ear. To recklessly flirt with it, to sleep with it on the first date. To take risks with it, hold nothing back and tell it exactly how you feel. To open completely to the fullness of it, savor it, sense it, allow it to permeate your cells and the marrow of your bones. To swim in your blood and take root in your heart.
Alignment, Don’t Leave Home Without It…
In The State of Grace known as Alignment, we move into a quantum realm of beingness, breaking through the fog of disconnection and into the light of truth that supports All That Is, All That Ever Was, and All That Will Ever Become.
Creator, did you know that when you celebrate another’s success, you are also celebrating and accelerating your own?
That's right. When you can seamlessly shout "Atta Boy," or "Atta Girl," without even a hint of resistance, then you are literally congratulating yourself, buoying yourself, taking yourself to new heights, and Allowing Like A Boss!
Nature, The Natural Healer
“By awakening the Native American teachings, you come to the realization that the earth is not something simply that you build upon and walk upon and drive upon and take for granted. It is a living entity. It has a consciousness.” Edgar Cayce