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Appreciation, Alignment, Mindset Constance Todd Smith Appreciation, Alignment, Mindset Constance Todd Smith

Tune Your Mindset to One of Positivity and Watch Your World Brighten

There is nothing wrong with wanting more, or wishing for something to be different from what you are experiencing now. And, it just so happens that the mechanism for change and upgrading your life is wishing and dreaming beyond where you are now. That’s normal and healthy. The problem occurs when you focus more on the absence of what you desire, which triggers the emotions of scarcity, lack and their ugly step-sisters, anxiety and stress.

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Law of Attraction, Success, Appreciation, Allowing Constance Todd Smith Law of Attraction, Success, Appreciation, Allowing Constance Todd Smith

Creator, did you know that when you celebrate another’s success, you are also celebrating and accelerating your own?

That's right. When you can seamlessly shout "Atta Boy," or "Atta Girl," without even a hint of resistance, then you are literally congratulating yourself, buoying yourself, taking yourself to new heights, and Allowing Like A Boss!

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