Tune Your Mindset to One of Positivity and Watch Your World Brighten
There is nothing wrong with wanting more, or wishing for something to be different from what you are experiencing now. And, it just so happens that the mechanism for change and upgrading your life is wishing and dreaming beyond where you are now. That’s normal and healthy. The problem occurs when you focus more on the absence of what you desire, which triggers the emotions of scarcity, lack and their ugly step-sisters, anxiety and stress.
We humans can become righteously single-minded when we want something, to the detriment of the other areas of our life. It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeing the glass as half-full which, when you view your life in those terms, has you wallowing in more negative emotions than positive and so, not only do you feel worse, but you slow down the manifestation of what you do desire.
The good news is there is a solution, a way to balance your life and expectations while keeping your emotions high-vibing on your way to more, and that is by appreciating what you do have now. There is always something to appreciate and by focusing your energy there, on what is working, on what you do appreciate in your life, you not only feel better, but upgrading your mindset to that of living in the world of the glass half-full, actually speeds up those manifestations that you desire.
So why not give it a try and take a look around your life with a broader scope, cast a wider net, view your world from a bird’s eye view, rather than that of a worm’s eye view and just see if you don’t find much to celebrate and appreciate.
Your mindset, be it positive or negative, is the key to how easy or hard your life feels, and upgrading how you view your life is always a win. At least that’s been my experience.
Until next time, Ciao Creator…
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