Creator, did you know that when you celebrate another’s success, you are also celebrating and accelerating your own?
Creator... Did you know that when you can celebrate another's Success, you are actually celebrating and accelerating your own? That's right. When you can seamlessly shout "Atta Boy," or "Atta Girl," without even a hint of resistance, then you are literally congratulating yourself, buoying yourself, taking yourself to new heights, and Allowing Like A Boss!
Allowing does not need to be a Passive State, it can be found in a myriad of our more energetic and flowing activities, Appreciation being a fine example. When you Appreciate another's victories and cease the petty bullshit of judgement and intolerance and rather, open your heart and arms to all the genius that surrounds you, Then and Only Then do you OPEN YOURSELF To Flow the Energy That Creates Worlds, like The God You Are!
And if I haven't convinced you yet, then grok this... Championing another's efforts is at its base self-serving as we are in actuality turning that loving energy onto ourselves! Haha! It's the boomerang effect in earnest.
You and I Creator are Lovers, that is the Core of who we are and how we flow. If you want to feel Successful and let me say that the definition of Success that I am referring to is: Success is Absolutely the amount of Joy You Feel (The Abraham-Hicks definition), then it is imperative that you embrace the whole enchilada of this life's experience and a huge part of that is Advocating and Endorsing Others' efforts, life experiences, manifestations, and successes!!
I don't know about you, but I didn't come down here to this blue ball of Fecundity and Fun to half-ass it! I came to blow the lid off and Create and Flow like the God I am. And in order for me to do that, a Key Ingredient is Feeling As Good about Your Achievements as I do my own!
I'm off now to Co-Create, Appreciate, and Advocate all the Triumphs and Successes that I see around me. And Why is that? Because Dear, Darling, Delicious Creator, When One of Our Tribe Thrives, So Do We All!
Up, Up, and Away...~*