I Am Perfect, Whole and Complete, Just as I am!

You know what my definition of the shadow-side, or shadow-self is? It is the limiting beliefs that you harbor about you and your place in the world that inhibit you, keep you small, and prevent you from living fully and expanding like the righteous human you are.

You see, we humans are meant to expand and grow and when you have limiting beliefs that inhibit that growth, you are going to feel frustrated and unfulfilled, which can result in lashing out. And then, once we have lashed out or lost it, shame comes in and really tops off our feelings of unworthiness and frustration.

So what’s a leading-edge human to do?

Well first, don’t get down on yourself, you’re not harboring an ogre in some deep, dank, dark part of you. Truth be told, we all lose it sometimes, and lashing out is actually a great indicator that you have some internal work to do.

So rather than beat yourself up, take action. First, by realizing that you have the power to turn those negative beliefs around. And second, by inculcating a consistent meditation and journaling practice into your life.

When you meditate and allow the silence to wash over you, you’ll find that what isn’t working bubbles to the surface, ready to be realized and realigned. And then, you get out your journaling notebook and begin writing about what you are feeling, those thoughts that have surfaced and how you can turn them into positive thoughts and beliefs about you. And in the process you become your own best friend, therapist and ally. And when you do, the relief that you feel will be palpable.

Sound good? Great, because really Creator, if Skeletor can do it, anyone can.

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Creator, did you know that when you celebrate another’s success, you are also celebrating and accelerating your own?


How do you get what you want Creator? Oh, that’s easy, just feel as if you already have it…