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You Are Only As Worthy and Deserving As You Believe You Are Creator…
Greetings Creators! I have a share... Recently I have gotten back into the delicious habit of beginning my day by making lists of appreciation and doing Focus Wheels; in other words, Deliberately Creating and Pre-Paving by upping my vibration and the momentum around it. And as one might expect when we move into a space of total self-awareness, some interesting issues have bubbled to the surface.
It began when I was doing a Focus Wheel on Abundance and couldn't seem to get the momentum going, it felt forced and unyielding. So I dug a bit deeper and asked the question, "What's holding me back?" And you know what the answer was?
Limiting Beliefs, life’s dream killer…
Darlings did you know that the only thing that keeps you from manifesting your heart’s desires are your beliefs? Not your education, or lack of it. Not your age or your shoe size. Not your weight or height. Not your zip code, your family, your friends. Not the government. Read on for how you can upgrade those beliefs…
I Am Perfect, Whole and Complete, Just as I am!
You know what my definition of the shadow-side, or shadow-self is? It is the limiting beliefs that you harbor about you and your place in the world that inhibit you, keep you small, and prevent you from living fully and expanding like the righteous human you are. You see, we humans are meant to expand and grow and when you have limiting beliefs that inhibit that growth, you are going to feel frustrated and unfulfilled, which can result in lashing out.
Let’s Make This Your Year Creator…
Creator - how do you make this your year? Well first, you get rid of the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from creating and living the life of your dreams. Those words and thoughts about why you can’t, are attracting (yes, that pesky old Law of Attraction again) more of the same, which makes your life a self-fulfilling prophecy.