You Are Only As Worthy and Deserving As You Believe You Are Creator…
Greetings Creator! I have a share... Recently I have gotten back into the delicious habit of beginning my day by making lists of appreciation and doing Focus Wheels; in other words, Deliberately Creating and Pre-Paving by upping my vibration and the momentum around it. And as one might expect when we move into a space of total self-awareness, some interesting issues have bubbled to the surface.
It began when I was doing a Focus Wheel on Abundance and couldn't seem to get the momentum going, it felt forced and unyielding. So I dug a bit deeper and asked the question, "What's holding me back?" And you know what the answer was?
Abraham spends a lot of air time attempting to convince us that we are Worthy Beings, beyond Worthy actually! That the Universe thinks we're the nuts for coming down here and playing among the contrast, fully knowing that we might forget for a bit about how darn Worthy we are! Well folks, that's where I found myself - Forgetting and looking for a path of least resistance back into the flow.
First, I needed to find another word for Worthy! I couldn't get a hold on Worthy; I needed to hang my vibrational hat on something more firm, fixed, immutable. Searching the synonyms the word that struck me was Deserving! That felt firm, righteous, more grounded! Hell Yes I am Deserving!
And so, with my new word at the forefront of my mind, I did a Focus Wheel and slowly began my ascent, one emotional rung at a time toward the Mecca of Worthy and Deserving, feeling myself moving from doubt to hope, from hope to belief, from belief to dead the heck on KNOWING!
What I want to share and get across is that I NEVER thought I was one of those folks who didn't feel Worthy! I just didn't realize it until I drilled down on my vibration and was shown this pocket of resistance. And Darlings, we know full well that we cannot allow all that we have become to flow into our life's experience, if we don't feel deserving!
So Dearest Worthy and Deserving Beings, if you're not lined up with joy and abundance in ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE, then perhaps a walk down Worthy Lane might be in order. And when you find yourself on this path of Worthy and Deserving; you can tend to it, upgrade it, lay new pipes around it, water it, play with it, cajole it, dance with it and praise it for bringing you closer to that place that we all long for and is our birthright! Pure Joy, just because we are here and oh, so Worthy…~*
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