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Real Freedom is Not Caring About The Opinions of Others!
We have all done it at one time or another, have we not? Put other people’s opinions of us, our choices, our passions, our creations before our own feelings? It’s the worst because once we do that, we have handed our Power over to someone who cannot know our decisions or choices, simply because it has taken us a lifetime of living to arrive at them. And yet, it is a mistake that many of us continue to make.
The Art of Attraction Through Feeling Words
Creator, would you like to greet the day with the anticipation of what wonders await and what potential friends might be lurking around the corner?
The key to being open and available to life and the treasures that it holds is to focus yourself into consistent alignment with the broader part of you. And the very best way I know how to do that is through the cultivation of a daily meditation practice.
When you meditate, your vibration elevates to one of the upper echelon emotions; joy, hope, appreciation, fun, clarity, etc. And then, from that lofty frequency, you attract to you only those events, circumstances, people and opportunities that also resonate in that high-vibing vibrational set point.
Creator, Are You Still Wondering, "Where's My Stuff?"
Hey Creator, do any of these questions resonate with you:
Tired of being humble when it comes to money?
Have you heard those Abraham Videos on allowing the money to flow and still wondering where yours is?
Do you know all of Abraham’s techniques and strategies and have yet to use them fully to your advantage?
Well you’re not alone! But fret not because I have been teaching a Course based on The Law of Attraction and how to use it to your advantage, and the results have been outta-site!
Let’s Make This Your Year Creator…
Creator - how do you make this your year? Well first, you get rid of the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from creating and living the life of your dreams. Those words and thoughts about why you can’t, are attracting (yes, that pesky old Law of Attraction again) more of the same, which makes your life a self-fulfilling prophecy.