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The Art of Attraction Through Feeling Words
Creator, would you like to greet the day with the anticipation of what wonders await and what potential friends might be lurking around the corner?
The key to being open and available to life and the treasures that it holds is to focus yourself into consistent alignment with the broader part of you. And the very best way I know how to do that is through the cultivation of a daily meditation practice.
When you meditate, your vibration elevates to one of the upper echelon emotions; joy, hope, appreciation, fun, clarity, etc. And then, from that lofty frequency, you attract to you only those events, circumstances, people and opportunities that also resonate in that high-vibing vibrational set point.
The Law of Attraction
A friend posted this conversation the other day on Facebook and I think it’s good enough to share again here. After all, many of us have a finite interpretation of life and what it offers. Silly humans, to limit ourselves from the fun, the growth, the incredible experiences that a life of consistently reaching for more offers. Read on Creator, if you feel this might be you or someone you know, after all Abraham never disappoints.
Creator - Time to Take Back Your Power…
Creator - Isn’t today a grand day to begin the process of taking back your power? Want to know more of how to do so with zero effort other than your Alignment and partnering with The Law of Attraction? Great! Then read on…
Letting Go of Resistant Thoughts…
Creator are you familiar with The Kingdom of Faith and Knowing? It’s a place where once you tap in, you can never turn back from your new found Understanding and Belief. And where You can never Become less than that which You Have Become.
How do you get what you want Creator? Oh, that’s easy, just feel as if you already have it…
Abraham-Hicks - ‘You don't have to pull strings to get what you want. All you need do is walk in the consciousness of already having it.’