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Letting Go of Resistant Thoughts…
Creator are you familiar with The Kingdom of Faith and Knowing? It’s a place where once you tap in, you can never turn back from your new found Understanding and Belief. And where You can never Become less than that which You Have Become.
Yesterday happened and now I am different…
Lewis Carroll was definitely on to something when he wrote this quote. Newsflash Creator - we change daily, now the question becomes, are you aligning with that change or are you stubbornly refusing to expand into the fullness of you?
Problem Solving, Abraham-Hicks Style
So you’ve got a problem Creator and you’re thinking it to death, leaving you feeling powerless and frustrated. Well, what we who follow The Teachings of Abraham-Hicks do is to let it go, because we know that The Universe is on it for us. And the minute we stop thinking, the solution will wedge it’s way into a crack of allowing as surely as the Sun rises with each new day.