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How do you get what you want Creator? Oh, that’s easy, just feel as if you already have it…
Abraham-Hicks - ‘You don't have to pull strings to get what you want. All you need do is walk in the consciousness of already having it.’
Creator, Do You Know Who You Are…?
I am a Creator of Worlds. I am a pure, unadulterated, sexy extension of Source energy. I am the molder of the clay. I am a badd-ass Manifester. I am a righteous Allower, a bold Deliberate Creatrix, a formidable Focuser of Energy, an uplifter, a student, a teacher, a God in high heels, a dancing fool, a Genius, a channeling vixen, a dreamer of dreams, a bawdy broad with nothing but music in her heart and a deep, throaty laugh.