Let’s take the stress out of parenting and put the fun back in; as we take a look at how easy it can be (when we lose our preconceived notions and ridiculous expectations of ourselves and our kids) and replace them with a newfound understanding of our children’s intuitive knowing as well as our own.
Prepare for progress because this Parenting Course offers you a golden opportunity to upgrade your approach to the toughest and most rewarding job in the world.
It is for you if….
Parenting is more of a chore than a labor of love.
You want to move away from an adversarial relationship with your children (overall and/or over key issues, e.g., dating, drugs, chores, personal responsibility, etc.).
You are concerned with how your neighbors, family, friends, school, etc. view and judge your parenting techniques.
You want to parent based on your beliefs and values without feeling pressured to do what others think you should do.
You feel overwhelmed.
You worry about your kids.
There are often misunderstandings between you and your children.
You are frustrated with the relationship you have with your children and want to upgrade to a more pleasurable and mutually satisfying relationship for all of you.
You want to have more fun being a parent.
You want more clarity around decision making regarding your child(ren).
You will learn how to…
Identify and upgrade your programmed behavior and limiting beliefs around parenting (e.g., teenagers are a surly and out of control, kids must be occupied at all times, toddlers are awful, terrible 2’s, etc.)
Create a genuine partnership with your kids through the “we are all learning on the job together” mindset.
Parent the way that feels good for you without caring what anyone thinks of your approach.
Cease the knee jerk reactions and the ‘because I told you so,’ answers.
Not say the word ‘NO’ alone in answering a query, but rather follow it up with your reason. (Truth: When you treat your kids with respect, they will respond in kind!)
Learn the benefits of scheduling quality time for yourself.
And so much more…
“Constance, I’ve been loving this experience, which has really brought home how sloppy my thinking has been. I am eagerly absorbing all the little pointers you have taught us to stay present and positively focused. And so each day, my life is changing for the better. Thank you.”
- A Grateful Student

As the days, weeks, months and years of my sobriety have clicked by, I have found that some days I might awaken scared, or anxious, or with my mind racing. It happens to everyone, but for us sober folks we cannot afford to indulge those negative feelings, rather we must find ways to cope in the midst of the ick by using positive strategies so as not to be triggered and default to our bad old habits of drinking and drugging.