Well, I want to add Change to Ben’s list. Why? Simply because there’s no getting around it and you can’t hide from it, so you might as well upgrade your beliefs and attitude around Change and embrace it. Because once you do, you can use change as the fuel to move you toward more of what you desire.
When you’re done with this class, you will have learned to ride the wave of Change to your advantage.
Surf’s Up Creator!
It is for you if….
You stress and worry about change.
You want to dump those limiting beliefs (e.g., I hate change, only bad things come from change, etc.) and replace them with life giving and supporting beliefs around the new situations, people, circumstances and opportunities that only change can initiate.
You drag your feet and resist change even when you know it’s the best thing for you.
You know you need to make changes, but can’t find a clear path forward.
You want to find a way to embrace change and use it to your advantage.
You will learn how to…
Take the anxiety and stress out of change.
Cease resisting change and learn to how to ride it into each fresh, new phase of life that is calling you forward to more.
Uncover and upgrade your limiting beliefs around change so that you can welcome it like an old friend.
Relax around change and open to the myriad of new possibilities that change generates.
And so much more…
“I'm loving this Course Constance. You've been studying this work for a long time and I can see it's going to help transform everything in my life. I really like the idea of becoming a good observer of yourself and being honest with yourself about what's really going on. It seems like that's one of the main goals of most therapy and if you can get good at it on your own, even better.”
- Nicholas Pratt, Student

As the days, weeks, months and years of my sobriety have clicked by, I have found that some days I might awaken scared, or anxious, or with my mind racing. It happens to everyone, but for us sober folks we cannot afford to indulge those negative feelings, rather we must find ways to cope in the midst of the ick by using positive strategies so as not to be triggered and default to our bad old habits of drinking and drugging.