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Get ready to be Merry Creator, no matter what’s going on around you…

  • For our time together, you will want to carve out a space in your home where you will not be disturbed while listening to the daily recordings consisting of: my motivational pre-amble, guided meditations and journaling exercises. Expect to spend 45 minutes to 1 hour daily.

  • You will be participating in journaling exercises for the duration of the Course. Which means, you now have the perfect excuse to treat yourself to a new Journal and Pen.

  • The time has come to unplug from the news, politics, and any other negative topics and their associated outlets for the duration of the Course/Challenge you have chosen to participate in.

    Here’s a fact, the one and only thing you have control over in this world is your reaction to your life and the events, people, and circumstances that impact it.

    Most of the stress and anxiety that we humans feel and suffer from is directly tied to how we react/respond to the world around us.

    And if you are like most people when watching the news or participating on social media with other folks who are complaining, bitching and finger-pointing, you react negatively.

    Here’s the rub: Negative energy doesn’t create, it’s stagnant and keeps you from moving forward. And correct me if I am wrong, but the reason you are here is because you looking for ways to move forward and upgrade your life, right?

    Also, if the thought of A News and Negative Social Media Fast feels like something you really don’t want to do, then in my experience that means that it is something that would be good for you to try. After all, it's only 2-3 weeks.

    And finally, if you want to get the most out of the time that you have committed to and paid for, then 14 - 21 days without the news and negative commentary is the way to do it.

  • Below are some of the Social Media strategies that I use to stay on my high-flying, high-vibing plane of Deliberate Creation:

    Facebook - unfollow any friends that you have on FB that have a predilection for sharing negative posts. Just go to their wall and click on the 3 dots (…). That will bring up the Manage Section wherein you will find the Follow or Unfollow option. And the best part is they will never know.

    Leave any Groups on Facebook that don’t serve you in the new state of awareness and upliftment you are creating.

    Instagram: Unfollow anyone who isn’t a high-vibing human.

    Twitter: Same as above.

    TikTok: Same as above.

    YouTube: Unsubscribe to news, current events and negative sites. And once you do, you will be amazed at what new choices are presented in their place.

  • First thing in the morning (before your mind starts with your to-do list) you and I will spend 45 minutes together, starting with a 15 minute pre-amble based on The Course you are taking.

    This quality time is dedicated to coaching you into alignment with your desires, intuition and purpose as I encourage, support and remind you of who you truly are - A Powerful Creator in charge of your life and destiny. As well as setting a firm foundation from which you can go forth with mindfullness and a positive attitude into your day.

  • I take you through a guided meditation designed to quiet your mind, raise your vibration and put you in touch with the innermost part of you; your well-spring of clarity, inspiration and guidance, resulting in you being refreshed, renewed and invigorated for the day ahead.

  • I offer you journaling topics specific to The Designing Your Lover Course, that will aid you in targeting and uncovering those pesky limiting beliefs and negative mindset that are holding you back, so that you can upgrade them to beliefs that serve your purpose and dreams.

    In addition, the exercises that I suggest are specifically crafted to aid you in delving beneath the surface of your personality and into the breadth and depth of who you truly are, thereby revealing guidance, inspiration and wisdom from the broader part of you.

    I will also be sharing techniques and strategies that will put you at ease with the art of effective journaling, and make the process flow more easily for you.

So now that you are fully prepared, it’s time to get the party started.

Are you ready for lift-off Creator?

Great, then hit play on Day 1 and I’ll meet you on the corner where Alignment meets Self-Empowerment & Success!

Tag, you’re it…

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