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Letting Go of Resistant Thoughts…
Creator are you familiar with The Kingdom of Faith and Knowing? It’s a place where once you tap in, you can never turn back from your new found Understanding and Belief. And where You can never Become less than that which You Have Become.
Life’s Winning Formula, Abraham-Hicks Style…
Reduce your workload by 30%. Increase your fun load by 30%. And you will increase your revenues by 100%. And you will increase your productivity by 10,000%. More fun, less struggle - more results on all fronts. Any questions Creator…?
Being a Human on This Leading-Edge is The BEST of ALL CREATION…
Being human on this Leading-Edge… in this specific time and space… is the BEST of ALL CREATION. You knew it when you came… You knew that you have the Energy that creates worlds flowing to you and through you. You knew that this life would inspire with precision your specific desire and you knew that each and every particle of that specific desire could be satisfied… would be satisfied…would be emphasized… would be supported… would be realized… would be manifested. You knew that everything that this life inspired within you could flow to you in its fullest manifestational form.