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It’s Your Birthright to Want More Creator…
Creator, did you know that wanting more, summoning more, opening to new experiences, celebrating those new energies, flowing desire, being insatiable with curiosity and rocking your Vortex early and often, is the key to Living a Juicy Life? Yup well, it is.
And even if your life is cherry, remember, there is always more to desire, to want, to dream about and the easiest and fastest way to align with all of it is to take a trip inward and feel what resides in your Vortex - the place where it is all done! All the wanting, all the desiring, all the dreaming has manifested.
You don’t have a life Creator. You are life!
We are NEVER alone Creator. Indeed, we are connected to all that surrounds us; nature, the elements, the stars, planets, sun and moon. We are always "plugged in" and it is up to us to find that sweet spot of Well-Being and tap into it.
Children Can Be Our Best Teachers, when we stop to listen…
I don’t know about you, but I have found many times that my best teacher is my child. She has an effortless way of slinging truth my way, so that it sticks. This story is just one example.