Children Can Be Our Best Teachers, when we stop to listen…
These past few days have been interesting - I've been Out of The Vortex and none to happy about it. In an effort to create upward movement, I hauled out every process I know for moving up the emotional scale and the results proved to be less than satisfactory. In the midst of my malaise, my 15 year old daughter Lily, the Sage of The House, delivered my solution:
"You know what I do when I'm out of the Vortex Mom? Nothing. Because I know I'll be back In soon, and the more I think about being out, the worse I feel."
OMGods! Duh! Clarity came ringing in as I realized that in my efforts toward movement, I had actually been pushing against, IOW - focusing on the lack. Her words gave me instant relief, and that's all I was searching for anyway. And then when one feels relief, there's this lovely ray of hope that makes it's way into the moment, and we all know what a delightful catalyst Hope can be.
So Darlings I'm off, surrendering to the moment with grace and dignity as I eagerly await the WHOOSH of sliding back into Home Plate! Viva Contrast~*
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