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Don’t Share Your Dreams Until You Vibrationally Own Them!
Creator, if you’re anything like me, then you're acutely aware of the consequences of sharing your hopes, dreams, projects and ideas (the uber cool stuff you're creating and working on) before YOU ARE VIBRATIONALLY READY TO SHARE!
Birthing a new passion is akin to having a baby; in which case, most prudent folks wait till they're pregnant for 3 months before sharing the good news! Why? Simple, prevailing wisdom dictates that once you've crossed into the second trimester of baking your baby into manifestation, then the odds for a full term pregnancy are more favorable!
I’d like to suggest that you treat your ideas with the same reticence to share as expectant mothers.
Welcome To The New Normal Creator…
Creator - this is a time to take it easy, to focus on feeling good, to go with the flow and not beat yourself up when you get caught up in the fray. We are literally charting completely new territory and so there will most definitely be moments of discomfort. But remember this, we are universal adventurers, intrepid explorers and we are here for a reason. After all who doesn’t want to be at the forefront of witnessing and participating in a sea change of epic proportions? Tally Ho Creator…