Self-Worth, it all starts with you…
Creator it’s time to cease underestimating your worth, genius, experience and brilliance. This delightful story is an example of a man who gets it.
“A ship engine failed and no one could fix it. So they brought in a chap with 40 years experience on the job.  He inspected the engine very carefully top to bottom. After looking things over, he reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer and gently tapped something, after which the engine lurched to life. The engine was fixed!
Seven days later the owner received a bill from him for $10,000.00. “What?!” He exclaimed, “You hardly did anything, send me an itemized bill.”
The reply simply said, “Tapping with a hammer two dollars. Knowing where to tap, “$9,998.00.”
Moral of the story - know you’re worth Creator and don’t be hesitant to charge commensurately for your services. That’s how the Gods do it and lest you have forgotten, you are a God having a Human experience. So isn’t it time to start acting, charging and sashaying around like one?
Know this - The Law of Attraction and other humans respond to how you view and rate yourself and your abilities. Downplay your gifts and so to shall they. Herald them and The Law of Attraction will help you to Sound The Trumpets of your Genius. The choice is always and only yours Creator. Tag, you’re it…~*