Problems Are Opportunities in Disguise…

Most of us have been taught that problems are grueling and unfair as though you shouldn't be experiencing them in life, especially as you get older. I beg to differ. Problems/Contrast are the yeast in our life’s growth and evolution recipe. They are opportunities presenting themselves in the form of a riddle that once solved, add to your growth, pop you up into a new vantage point, and give you a clearer and more concise understanding of the benefits of contrast when the next hurdle presents itself. And present itself it will.

If you fight against your problems, if you make a big hairy deal of them by complaining or attempting to get to the bottom of them, you are not working toward a solution, rather you are keeping yourself dead in the center of your dilemma. 

So next time you find yourself presented with a problem or conundrum, don’t sweat it; instead, know that the answer is right on its heels. And then you can let go of stress and uncertainty while waiting in the sweet relief of knowing that the perfect answer and solution will be presented to you. 

This is what is known as the upgraded, streamlined model of Living 2.0. And I don’t know about you, but I’ll take ease over stress, strife and agitation any old day.

Tag, you’re it Creator…~

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