You Will Be Too Much For Some People and That’s O.K.
Newsflash Genius Creator - You are not ever going to be for everyone, it’s impossible and so it’s folly to even try. Perhaps you could be like the flavors of ice cream, you don’t see vanilla attempting to disguise itself as chocolate or mint chocolate chip running around trying to be like coffee.
Whether we like it or not, we are unique and come with our own individual characteristics, traits, personalities and physical attributes. And I know, it can get lonely at times, but I’d rather be home alone (with my dog and kitty curled around me) watching Game of Thrones than out trying to fit my self into someone’s version of a square hole.
How about this, let’s start a club you and I, for the outliers, the iconoclasts, the non-conformists, the genius creators who are so darn aligned with our purpose that we could give a fig less who invites us to their party, asks us out, or the like. We might not be for the rest of ‘em, but we are for ourselves and in that we are always the winners.
Are you interested in playing, learning and growing in an atmosphere of positivity with other like minded humans? Great, then click below to learn more.