Sipping Chai and Chillin’ With My Inner Being…
I'm spending this Sunny Saturday morning with My Divine Inner Being as we sip a cuppa of delicious Oregon Chai while writing Positive Affirmations and Lists to raise my Vibe to the Level of The Gods.
I love acknowledging My Inner Being, My Soul Sista, My Bestest Buddy, Playmate, Mentor, Guide, and Eternal Other through the Gift of Journaling. As Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) says, our connection with Non-Physical as opposed to our Human to Human Connections, is more subtle, not as overt and in your face, as our World of 5 Senses. And so accessing this fecund playground requires a more subtle approach.
I call upon my Inner Beloved using my Super Power of Alignment, as I scribe Feeling Words that beckon her out of The Shadows and plants her firmly in My Now Moment. Gods it feels grand to Consciously Play and Co-Create with Non-Physical. As I spend more time here, I find that with each successive day I can access this Blessed Field of Play more readily and that this precious Oasis of My Heart is Always Available to Me, whenever I desire to tap into its vibrational frequency. And while basking in the Vesica Piscis (what Abraham calls my Vortex) that is created through the melding of Me and ME I feel eternally loved and supported. Which is a tremendous feeling indeed.
I read An Abraham Quote this morning that said, and I'm paraphrasing, "Your Inner Being NEVER has a negative thought about You! Ever! Never!!!"
So why wouldn't we want to evoke this Vital Stream of Love into our lives? I know, it can be a bit overwhelming to Allow yourself to be Loved and Flow Love like that, but hey, isn't it time to let that Lovin In? To let It enfold you? To swim in the Effulgence of Source?
So go ahead Creator, give it a try and stick your toe into The Stream of Love and Well-Being, take a moment - at least 68 seconds worth - to Focus and Align Your Mind and upgrade your Vibration by Appreciating anything and everything. Write it, think it, but whatever you do Juice It 'till there's nothing left. And keep doing it again, and again, and again!! All day and on into the deep night and beyond. Instantly, you'll Feel differently, lighter and filled with knowing as the results of this work come to you through the manifestation of the quality and caliber of the people, places, and events that are drawn to you!
I must be off Now as My Eternal Beloved and I have some exploring to do. I'll meet you later, on The Corner where Divine Knowing meets Our Heart's Desire. Where once you get there Creator, you'll realize that You Never left.
Up, Up, Up and Away...~*
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