It is for you if…

  • You have a huge desire for a romantic partnership but are not sure why you can’t seem to attract a quality woman, man and romantic relationship that you deserve. 

  • Your negative beliefs (I’m running out of time, I’m not good enough, I’m too old, too young, too fat, too thin, too whatever) are standing in the way of creating a deep, lasting and satisfying relationship. 

  • Your past romantic relationships have been unsatisfying overall, and you don’t want to make the same mistakes going forward. 

  • You consistently attract partners with personality disorders and bad habits, e.g., narcissism, alcoholism, drug addiction, miserly, etc., and want to break free of that pattern in order to attract a healthy partner and high-quality relationship.

  • You ignore your feelings when someone isn't appropriate for you and you go ahead and continue dating them anyway.

You will…

  • Uncover the Limiting Beliefs that are keeping you from manifesting satisfying relationships.

  • Create a positive atmosphere and attitude in order to attract high-caliber quality relationships and lovers into your life. 

  • Replace those negative feelings of desperation, lack and loneliness with self-assuredness, purpose and clarity.

  • Clearly define your wants, desires and needs in a lover and a romantic relationship.

“Constance, meditation and journaling were easy and massive for me today. I’m never going to be the same after this journey together. Thank you for guidance, the tools and the strong belief you have in us all.”

— Caroline Anderson, Student