It is for you if….

  • You are eager to get started and the 21-Day Course seems too long. 

  • You have taken my Courses, but it’s been a while and need a refresher to get back into positive habits. 

  • You want to get back into and enjoy the benefits of a positive morning routine.

  • You are unsure as to what specific Course you might want to take and are looking for a more general Course to start with.

  • You are looking for a fun, quick overview to get you back in the saddle again.

  • In any case, it’s all good because if you are drawn to taking this Foundational Overview then this Course is for you.

  • The Law of Attraction, how it affects your life and how to wield it to your advantage. 

  • Why I advise that you turn off the news and negative commentary on Social Media for the duration of the Course. 

  • The benefits of becoming the Observer of your thoughts and words. 

  • Identify and tune into the areas of your life that are both positive and negative in order to upgrade the negative and turn-up the positive. 

  • Create a pattern of self-empowerment. 

  • Develop the art of looking at life with curiosity and identifying dogmatic thoughts in order to create and upgrade your mindset and beliefs on any given subject. 

  • Revisit and enjoy the benefits of a daily Journaling and Meditation Practice. 

“Thank you Constance for so much good stuff - so many new little practices to stay present, positive and incredibly optimistic.”

-Cheyne Turner, Student